I was introduced to synchronized swimming as a young child and have never looked back. When I was two, I was swimming to the bottom of the pool without ever being taught. My mother decided to put me into synchronized swimming, where I showed a lot of natural ability.
It was at that point that my mother decided we should move back to Moscow so I could work under coaches there. Under their guidance, I was able to excel in competitions. I found that my passion and talent allowed me to achieve my wildest dreams. Over the years, I was able to accumulate quite a few Russian, European, and international titles. More akin to rhythmic gymnastics and dance than to swimming, I think my sport – while demanding and requiring great strength — is absolutely mesmerizing for both the participant and spectator.
I just love how synchronized swimming embodies the highest level of artistry and fluidity and how it allows you to combine your emotions with music.
In my post-competitive career, I have enjoyed passing on my love of the water to young athletes in my sport; I have coached everyone from young private students to entire club teams to national development camps. I never get tired of my involvement with the synchronized swimming world, and it has given me great pride to help other young ladies succeed at something I love so much.
Even outside of my career, my connection with the water remains strong. In fact, I moved from Russia to South Floria specifically to be near the beach, and go there as often as I can. I even try to choose vacations that keep me near the water; I will choose the beaches of Hawaii or Costa Rica before the mountains or cities any day.
Almost all of my favorite activities revolve around the water, whether it be surfing, jet skiing or boating. I have to say that even sea life fascinates me, The peacefulness and grace of sea creatures like dolphins and sting rays are so unique, and I firmly believe that they and their underwater world need to be preserved and treasured.
I consider water to be my soulmate and we are one.
I don’t remember my life before it, and it is often all I need. It is my antidote to stress, which melts away the second I enter. Together with water, I strive to create beauty for myself and those around me. The stillness and calmness are so soothing to the soul.
When I immerse myself, I relish the complete and utter silence of it all because it allows no intrusions from the outside — except maybe the warmth of sunlight — and I can be in my own little world. When I emerge, I am refreshed, recharged and at peace. I often think that the earth would be a calmer and less chaotic place if everyone were able to engage with the water, whether in a pool or a natural body, for just a few minutes a day.
Kristina Makushenko
Email: kristi95girl@mail.ru
Phone: 754-245-37-31
Instagram: kristimakusha