Mayra Joli – Immigration Attorney

Your American Dream Starts HERE!
As one of South Florida’s most active immigration attorneys, Ms. Joli has accumulated a remarkable number of victories on behalf of her clients in various immigration courtrooms. She has litigated cases throughout the entire United States.
I have always viewed every moment in life as a stepping stone to something more and to be enjoyed
Born in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Mayra grew up in a small neighborhood called Cristo Rey (Christ the King). “I always had big dreams. I have seen every moment in life as a stepping stone to advance myself and as a moment to be enjoyed. I remember every aspect of my childhood and young adulthood as the most precious time of my life,” Joli says.
I always thought I wanted to be an architect. I loved to draw pictures of anything with a piece of carbon on the hallway walls in the patio of our childhood home. My mother complained I was going to be a starving artist, which was her perception of people who painted.
I lived with my head in the clouds and relied on my art as the solution to cope with any adversity in life. When I attended a required pre-university meeting with a vocational counselor, the person determined I was not architect material. She said I was better suited to be a nurse. Not knowing how or where to direct my attention and certainly knowing for sure I did not want to be a nurse, I decided to forget about the whole art thing and started college.
Sometime in the early 1980’s, I watched a movie called “The Verdict” starring Paul Newman, with Spanish subtitles. The plot in the movie and the impact of it was so clear that at that point I decided, that is it! I will be an attorney! Yup, it was a movie! I am an attorney today, thanks to Paul Newman.
Successful women usually go through a series of life challenges before they become accomplished. Was there ever a time when you felt like giving up? If so, how did you bounce back?
Short answer…I have never given up! I don’t know the feeling of quitting or to stop believing in myself. I am a woman of strong beliefs and do not get shaken by anything. If at any point I was/am/will feel inclined to give out or give in, I just change my mind in a more positive way.
Mayra, we understand that you married really young. Was your husband part of your career success and how was he essential to your life path?
Ha! thanks for the compliment! Relatively, when compared to “the old times” and “new wave” I was a late bloomer. I looked one generation behind in age because mileage can really ruin the appearance of a good motor vehicle…and I had very low mileage, for a 1965 model. Nonetheless, “mi gringo” as I call my husband is only 7 years older than me.
We have been together since the ‘90s. We have a super handsome, super loving, super educated, 14 year old son, Ishmael “mi dindo.” And yes, behind all my success, my husband has been the greatest man who has helped build every aspect of my life and my career.
You have built one of the most successful Immigration Law Firms in Miami and have helped thousands of people in their process. Why immigration law?
I’ve always worn my heart on my sleeve and cheered for the underdog. In the immigration law practice, I found a way to translate that energy into helping people. You will see me at the detention facility…in my heels…smiling and doing the hard leg work for those who cannot speak for themselves. Many of our cases are very complicated and time consuming. Sometimes, the work is like solving a puzzle. Like a Rubik’s cube. I enjoy finding ways to win, especially with unorthodox “out of the box” thinking. Helpling families stay together is a thrill I never get tired of. Besides, I enjoy the battle, which makes winning for our clients even sweeter.
Would like to share with our readers what drove you to run for congress in 2018, and would you run again and why?
There were several reasons I ran for congress. I wanted to continue doing what I do best, which is to serve, but on a greater platform.
Also, I thought I could bring an honest voice to the political conversation, independent of some of the extreme views of the major political parties and special interest groups which tend to run “the swamp” of government. That is why I ran as a non-party affiliated candidate. Additionally, my experience with the media revealed a level of disingenuity in reporting the news that I wanted to correct. Politics and the media are often both fraught with deceitfulness, despite the claimed “good faith” of politicians and “independence” of the press. I wanted to break through all the false narratives and deliver a message of truth, optimism and hope.
While running my congressional campaign, I encountered the good, the bad, and the ugly…a lot of bad and ugly. Nonetheless, I enjoyed every minute of it because I had my family and friends with me and it became a personal affair, a matter of pride.
Our campaign inspired thousands of people who believed and still believe in the principles I espoused during the campaign and share the same basic values of individual responsibility, reverence for one’s faith, respect for one’s family, and veneration for our country, the United States of America…the greatest country on Mother Earth. Will I run again? I never say never!! Why? From the carbon marked hallway walls in Cristo Rey to the halls of the U.S. Congress…why not?
For an appointment with Mayra Joli
1221 Brickell Avenue Suite 1210
Miami, Florida 33146