There have been many proposed ways for stress management and reduction, but here’s a new consciousness that I would like to call “The Five Elements Theory”.
The Five Element theory will guide you and assist in reducing the intensity of stressful thoughts. The Universe is vast and is composed of several different elements. The Five elements that are essential to our existence and wellbeing are “Water, Earth, Air, Fire and Ether (space)”.

Individuals who apply the knowledge of Five elements, develop a healthy life of longevity, harmony, serenity, and happiness. According to Sadhguru we are made of 72% of water, 12% earth, 6% air, 4% fire and 6% ether (space). It’s not a coincidence that our planet consists of 72% of water, so we need to take food that contains 72% of water.
The Element of Water Spend more time next to water for your inner harmonization. Activities such as going to the beach, swimming or soaking in a bath after stressful day are important for healthy living.
During the day, drink adequate amounts of water. Hydrate yourself every 30 minutes and calculate the individual amount of water (for every kg, you need 35 ml of water) needed for your body type. For the average man, the Institute of Medicine recommends a total of 13 cups (about 3 liters) of water each day. For the average woman, they suggest 9 cups (about 2 liters). Pregnant women should drink about 10 cups of water daily and for women who are breastfeeding and estimated 12 cups is the recommended daily amount. In other words, water is therapy for the body and soul.
The Element of EARTH brings balance with Green Therapy. It’s an innovative concept based on the findings of ecopsychology. Nature helps us to be more grounded, energized and renewed. Research has proven that spending more time with nature helps lower stress, anxiety, reduces blood pressure and even mental disease.
Spend 3-4 hours each week outdoors in natural settings. If you like plants and flowers, organize a beautiful garden. Take a barefoot walk in the grass or the sand along the beach.
Additionally, design your home to be nature friendly by installing plants and hanging wall art with nature images. Having a pet may also help reduce stress, improve your mood, keep you active and provide companionship — all qualities that help reduce anxiety. Also, interacting with pets may help release oxytocin, a brain chemical that promotes a positive mood.
The Element of AIR is our source of Oxygen. Deep breathing exercises can help activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls the relaxation response. Deep breathing also helps to focus your awareness and it leads to the lungs full expansion; thus bringing you to the present moment, where we fully exist.
There are several types of deep breathing techniques, including diaphragmatic breathing, abdominal breathing, belly breathing and paced respiration. As you breathe, you gently create awareness of your mind from distracting thoughts and allowing you to feel more peaceful.
Besides breathing for balance, it is recommended to listen to music with harmonizing sounds. Slow instrumental music has been known to induce relaxation response by helping lower blood pressure and heart rate. Other types of music such as, classical, Celtic, Indian music and sounds of nature can be particularly calming and soothing.
Sound therapist Jovita Wallace says “Sound vibrations massage your aura, going straight to what’s out of balance and fixing it.” There are 5 different sounds you can sing to improve organ health and circulation.
Singing the short “a” sound (as in ahh) for 2-3 minutes will help ban ish the blues. It forces oxygen into the blood and brain, signaling a release of endorphins.
The short “e” sound (as in ‘echo’) stimulates the thyroid gland to produce hormones that improve digestion and metabolism.
The long “e” sound (as in ‘emu’) stimulates the pineal gland, boosting alertness and learning.
The long “o” sound (as in ‘ocean’) stimulates the pancreas and helps to regulate blood sugar after a meal.
The double “o” sound (as in ‘tool’) activates the spleen/immune system to boost infection-fighting white blood cells.
The Element of FIRE is our desire and inspiration that could lead us to success, new opportunities, creativity and wisdom. Very often negative circumstances awaken an inner fire, which causes a huge desire to change things.
Appreciate magnetic fire as a massive desire for your own self-development, determination and strength use. Inner fire transforms negative things in your life to brighter and happier conceptions of Love and knowledge of the Universe.
Another way to take control of stress is to stay on top of your priorities and stop procrastinating. Procrastination can lead you to stress, which negatively affects your health and sleep quality. Always organize your day with a list. Start your day performing the most important and difficult tasks. Prioritize what needs to be done and allocate time for it. Imagine steps that you need to do daily to finish your project. Give yourself realistic deadlines and encourage yourself for the results.
Practice daily yoga and meditation because they are the beam to balance all 5 elements. Always pay attention to your food intake and other things you consume throughout the day. Using the first four elements, we are enabling our body, mind, and spirit to have the essential energy needed for living. Ask yourself, how do I apply the four elements to assist in a healthy lifestyle for myself?
The Element of ETHER The fifth element for balancing our life is Ether (space) – we also like to relate Ether with ‘Love”. Embolden the space of your life with positive thoughts and optimistic people. Positive thoughts will bring positive results. If the thoughts are working against you, don’t create more unpleasant feelings for yourself.
You can master the mind by allowing negative thoughts to be halted and contemplated for fifteen seconds or more. Do not allow stress and negative thoughts to consume you on your journey to master peace. Positive thoughts will multiply and return to the people who were thinking them. Concentrate on the positive frequency of your thoughts and gratitude.
The universe is grand and can become overwhelming. Pay attention to your surroundings, your circumstances, your intuition and people. Over time you will reach the point where all your thoughts will manifest as one, becoming a picture perfect masterpiece. Life is the mirror of your own expectation, perception and beliefs. Sending out positive thoughts with intensity will attract us to the circumstances, situations, people and opportunities according to the level of our consciousness. Before you go to bed, prepare yourself for the new day with an affirmation. For example, “I will wake up full of positive energy for the most beautiful and productive day of my life”.
The Five Elemental Theory is a guide to find peace and love within yourself. Peace allows for growth and innovation. Love is the highest frequency of the Universe. Love is the source of energy and creativity. We come to this world from Love and will go back to Love when we leave planet Earth.
We are creators; create joy, peace and harmony in everything you do. Feel the love in every detail, sing your own song of Love. Enjoy every moment with yourself, spend time doing the things you really enjoy. Be the love you want to experience in the world, focus on the magnificent perception of your body, mind and soul. You are love, loving and lovable.
by Yulia Kapranova
IG: @yuliascientist