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Anna Bogomazova – Actress

Anna Bogomazova – Actress


Anna Bogomazova also known by the stage name “Anya” is an actress, producer and former kickboxing World Champion and WWE Diva.

Anna was born and raised in Russia, she grew up in the city of Voronezh and moved to the US to pursue her dreams. She became a US citizen as a person with extraordinary abilities. Anna graduated Law school and became a Kickboxing World Champion at the age of 21.

Anna Bogomazova – Actress Interview

What attracted you to begin a career as an actress?

I’ve been drawn to stage as long as I can remember. I did gymnastics when I was a child and when I turned 11 I begged my parents to take me to a modeling agency, and they did. When I was 14 I also told my parents that I wanted to practice martial arts and my father was excited about my choice as he always wanted a son. But looking back I realise that I was drawn to kickboxing because it’s a performance. I played a tough girl even though inside I was a little chicken. In the ring you learn to face your fears and overcome them.

I graduated law school because I thought that it would be fun to go to courts and stand up for the right thing – for me it was also a performance, even if it’s just in front of the judge. I have been working for over 5 years for one of the most renowned Luxury real estate developers, J.Milton & Associates, traveling all over the world giving presentations to investors and closing multimillion dollar deals;  from an actors point of view, presentation is also a performance.

Once I had to stop competing in the ring due to an injury, I started to wonder what else would excite me the same way as sports or even more, and I remembered that in my days in WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), my favorite part was acting. That’s how all those events and career choices led me to what I love the most now. The desire that drives me is the laugh of the audience. If my performance makes you forget about your problems and frustrations for at least a moment – I feel fulfilled. The feeling of satisfaction is a high, it makes me feel all the good things at once; gratitude, love and kindness.

What has been your greatest accomplishment as an actress?

I’m so blessed, this year I started to work on big projects. After years of learning and continued hustling this feels like an accomplishment, even though I’m sure that my greatest accomplishment as an actress is still in my near future.

I’m playing “Kristina” in MacGyver Season 4 on CBS. I’m  “Anna” on Brooklyn Nine Nine on NBC and “Julia” on a T.V. Pilot  called Wake Up, which I produced and acted too. I can’t reveal too much about the characters since all those shows will air in 2020, so stay tuned. 

I’m 6’1” and as any other actress, I have faced rejection and frustration. I remember at an acting workshop I was told not to mention my height, which doesn’t make sense to me at all because casting directors and producers eventually are going to see me anyways, so what am I supposed to do?  Walk around on my knees? – My height is one of many attributes that makes me unique, and today, I’m getting hired because of my uniqueness like anyone else in the industry.

What skills are necessary for a person in your position?

Confidence is the number one, if you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will.  Playfulness – let your inner child out. Last but not least is commitment to your dream.

What is your profession’s greatest challenge today?

I see so many opportunities nowadays, probably more than ever. Just think back about 20 or even 10 years ago there were only Hollywood productions and independent projects. Today there is Hollywood, Indie Films, Online streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO, Hulu, and NBC is releasing a new platform called Peacock. If you ever wanted to be an actor – this is the time! However, the only challenge I see for Miami actors, we just have to work a little bit harder. Casting directors in LA, NY and Atlanta don’t take actors from other cities as seriously as LA actors, it’s just an unspoken truth. But once you book a role you know that you have earned it, and that is the best feeling ever.

If you could change one thing about the industry with the wave of a magic wand, what would it be?

Looks like someone already has the magic wand and is using it very wisely, because the industry is evolving very quickly. I would add more opportunities to be seen for new actors, I see so many talented actors at schools and often wonder why they are not on TV. It would be cool to have more showcases with directors, writers and producers where TV and Films would be created based on talent. We all know that Hollywood actors have writers that create content for them, but if that would become more common and available for new actors, it would be awesome.

What do you like the most in this industry ?

I love the fact that everyone I meet on set is having fun and enjoying their job. From makeup artists to director and actors, everyone wants to make sure that you are having fun as well. It’s like you are getting paid to have fun, of course there is work to do and there are things to overcome but only with joy. 

Are there any specific projects you would like to be a part of? 

I’m drawn to comedy, which is probably the hardest genre. I would love to be the lead actress on a successful TV series that runs for 5 seasons. I also recently discovered that I love stand up comedy. The first time I made the audience laugh gave me such a high. I can’t stop thinking about my next performance and the jokes I would love to make. Thankfully my life is very eventful, I just take material from there.

“Humor is a tool that we can use to overcome most of our problems”.

What advice would you give to someone who wanted to do what you do?

Discover your “Gold”, what makes you unique, what makes you stand out. Build your brand and treat yourself as a brand. As any brand you need a team: Acting coaches, an agent, a manager. And all of them have to be on the same page with you and to be excited as much as you are.

IG @anabogomazova 

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