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Caroline Seekings – The Beauty Within

Caroline Seekings – The Beauty Within


Look at someone’s eyes- they are the one thing on the face that is unable to be changed. Beauty comes from within and shines through the eyes. I believe the most beautiful people are the ones who have scars-who have fought silent battles and come out on top while continuing to be gentle and kind to others. Those are the true diamonds.

Tell us about yourself Caroline: What inspired you to work as a model?

I grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a big-time tomboy. It wasn’t until a talent scout approached me at the airport and asked if I had ever thought about modeling that I ever even considered it as an option. Although I grew up playing sports and wearing t-shirts I was always inspired by fashion. 

My dad owns a Public Relations Firm which sparked my interest in photography. My first photoshoot happened by “accident” – I was in the studio taking photos and a photographer asked if I would be the subject for a test shoot. After that, I started to become really passionate about modeling. After going to college and moving to South Carolina I realized modeling was the career that I wanted up to pursue. I signed with an agency in Miami and was able to not only get more experience and exposure but I have gotten the opportunity to meet so many creative and inspiring people. That is by far my favorite part of being a working model. I am constantly pushed to be the most creative and versatile version of myself. 

What type of message do you want to transmit through your modeling?

I am 5’5 and have never been stick-thin.  Through my work I want to show girls that you don’t have to conform to the industry’s standards in order to be successful. I used to spend so much time and energy comparing myself to others and was always left not feeling good enough. This self destructive behavior kept me from enjoying the fact that I was doing my dream job. Don’t be so hard on yourself- you are where you are for a reason and perspective is everything. Be you and the rest will follow. 

Caroline Seekings – Model

Get out of bed and put on some lipstick. Buy the person in front of you in line a coffee. Admire everything around you. That is “the kind” of beauty we need more of.

Do you feel being beautiful is all it takes to be a model or do you feel there are other aspects models should have to be in this industry?

Having a beautiful face will get your foot in the door for modeling jobs but what will keep you there is a standout personality. I have to work harder than a lot of models to get my foot in the door because of my height. It takes a lot of hard work, persistence, grit and determination to make it in the modeling industry. If I had to describe myself in one word it would be “Resilient” (of a person) – able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. When I want something, I am determined to get it, including work.  During a modeling career there is a lot of pressure to look perfect all the time.  I think perfection is boring.  Photographs capture emotion.  This is why it is important to be vulnerable, have depth and be resilient.  “No Pressure – No Diamonds.” 

Modeling is a very honorable career, can you give us your perspective on this topic?

Modeling gives me a way to connect with people on many levels and hopefully inspire them to believe in themselves. It takes immense levels of discipline to reach a high level in your career. This discipline helps other aspects of life.  When you are the best version of yourself, you can give to others fully. Through modeling I am able to embrace my talent and share my sensuality and femininity with the world. This empowers me. I want people to get to know me. Yes, I am a model but I’m also a kind, hard working individual. Above all, I’m Caroline- an imperfect person who was trusted to inspire others by showing what is possible. To me, this is extremely honorable. 

I am so grateful every day that I get to show the world my exceptional ability to put my best face forward. Find strength and trust yourself. Most of the time, success isn’t linear and often does not look the way we were originally expecting it. There are ups and downs to every journey in life and how you handle those expose your true character. Choose grace. You are beautiful and more than capable. Show the world.

Follow Me on IG: @cseekings

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