


Matías is a Reminder and Walker, well known for being part of the Indigo Phenomenon, being within himself an educator of Planetary Consciousness.
Please tell us about yourself, who is Matías De Estefano and what is your purpose in this lifetime?
I’m 32 years old and I’m from a small town in Argentina. I was raised in an agnostic home where there was no spirituality or anything of that sort; however, because of my essence I was able to remember everything – all my past lives, including everything I have done before I was born.
My family thought I was only being creative so they allowed me to express myself because they didn’t know I was expressing my spirituality. So from a very young age I understood my mission and purpose on Earth. I knew I was someone that had come here to remember. I used to say that my essence, mission and purpose in life came down to that one word “remember”.
The word remember has three different meanings, the first is “to bring memories from the past” and we all know this. The second meaning is to “put all the members together”, this is to reunite all things we have separated in the universe. We simply don’t understand that everything is eternally connected so my mission is to put it all together by educating and helping others to remember as well. This is why I travel around the planet to connect these memories that have been lost.
The third meaning is that “I AM”. The Latin root of the word remember is re (new) cordis (heart) which literally means to go back to the heart (the core). And that is my purpose, to remember that I AM and this is the most important concept in the universe. Basically the word remember is the summary of who I AM and why I AM here.
At what age did you feel you were different and how did that make you feel?
I guess since I was around 7 years old I knew I was “weird” but for me it was normal. Everything I experienced was very different from my other friends and family. Everyone saw the world from a very human perspective and I didn’t, I even had “imaginary friends” that taught me about emotions, other realities, nature and how to treat other humans. So even though I lived a “normal” life “, my “invisible friends” would always be very present helping me to remember and to understand the world.
At the age of 12 I really realized how weird I was because that’s when I started to experience a reality that no one else could understand. That’s when I started to remember the most and I was even bullied by it because people thought I was a “weirdo”.
In your online videos you mention you’re aware of all your past lives including when you were an extraterrestrial. Are you aware of any of your future lives?
Yes I do remember some aspects of my future. Actually last week I had a confirmation about these memories but never had the specific information. So recently I was able to recall lives on Earth and in other planets.
In the universe time doesn’t really exist. When I refer to future or past lives, they are only a remembrance of a different aspect of myself in different levels of vibration.
So would you say these “imaginary friends” are “you” in the future guiding you??
Yes of course, and that is exactly how it is. To understand it better we should think about the origin of everything. When you go to the origin of the universe there was nothing so if there was nothing there was only a possibility, this means that only the future existed. So all possibilities exist before someone can experience them. Everything is a projection; everything we call “masters, angels” or any being from the universe giving us guidance are beings in the future not the past. They are simply projections from the very core of the universe and there are some spots in the universe that decide to live the present. By deciding a path in the future patterns get created and those are called “past”. And this is why the past is the last thing that gets created in the cosmos.
So we are now in the past looking to experience the present and live “here and now” because this is our doorway to create the future. Any being guiding us from a higher level of consciousness usually is communicating to us from the future.
Are “all” guides future versions of ourselves or are there other masters also guiding us?
This depends on each individual and their own level of consciousness and understanding. In a quantum level of reality I don’t exist. I’m just a reflection or atoms, particles of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen etc. You don’t really exist either; in fact, we are not even having this interview right now. In order for humans to understand the universal mind, those atoms they are created from decided to express themselves in different ways so they can see each other and interact with others and that’s how we “exist”.
The same thing happens with these guides from other dimensions. It is us manifested into many other beings. Here is a paradox: “In the very beginning of it all nothing really exists but we somehow do exist and because of it we need to experience “an illusion of separation”. Same thing happens with the existence of God, he/she only exists because we believe it. However, this consciousness expressed itself and “created us”. The point is to realize the concept of “Oneness”, the concept of the I AM where we are all united and there’s no separation.
Everything “outside you” is a projection of what’s “inside you”. But even knowing this you also have to acknowledge other beings’ existence; you cannot say “that tree, those people or these guides don’t exist” because I know I am one with them. You simply recognize their existence and the oneness that exists between you and them. So to answer this question we are both “ONE” but also we are unique expressions of all.
So the concept of Oneness “I AM ONE with everything” is what is going to catapult us to become better human beings?
Yes, the I AM concept will take humans to a higher level of consciousness. It will take us from the concept of being in a survival mode “like animals” to beings of self-awareness that realize that we are one with plants, minerals, the universe and all there is.
Can you explain how dimensions work?
The third dimension is like a triangle and the most important triangle is “dad, mom and myself”, “positive, negative and neutral” or “proton, electron, neutron” also known as the Holy Trinity. And the Trinity in this dimension represents “Light, Depth and Height” to move and understand reality using the concept of “past, present and future”. This is why it’s called the third dimension because everything is based on the number 3.
Now on the 4th dimension there is another point that watches all this process outside of the trinity and looks at the entire process. Therefore the concept of time is different and there’s no “past, present and future”. In this dimension time becomes eternal and it is outside space which is “Depth, Height and Width” and this is what we call “Ether – Eternal”. The shape of this dimension is more like a square which is our reality observed from another perspective. Everything that happens in the third dimension is the same in the fourth dimension without time or space.
Basically anyone that ends up in the fourth dimension is trapped eternally in what he/she is. But then you have a 5th point above the square of the 4th dimension and that creates a pyramid shape; that is what we know as the 5th dimension.
The 5th dimension is going out of time and space and understanding the eternity that you have become. This eternity is conditioned by something that you have felt and being in the third dimension. From this higher level of consciousness you can see yourself and become the master and the guide of yourself in the third dimension. At this level you can see your entire purpose and this is why most people want to experience the 5th dimension but it’s not that easy.
To experience the 5th dimension you need to do a lot of inner work before you realize eternity and your own limitless capacity here in the third dimension. This is why you must transform yourself in order to project in the fifth dimension and become a more aware being. That’s why people that are trapped in fear, anger, hate and any lower emotions cannot connect to these 5th dimensional masters and receive their guidance. So when we break out of all fears and limitations you will start to hear the answers you’re searching for.
I don’t believe in God, I know I’m an expression of it and I don’t call it God, I call it “I AM”.
Limitations in this dimension are tools and we cannot escape from them but rather we can learn from them and use them to our advantage.
Who are your guides on Earth?
My friends are. The wisdom I receive from the universe is not the same wisdom I need at an emotional level. I have friends that know much more about emotions than me; I probably know more about how emotions are created, I just don’t know how to handle them sometimes. I am always open to learning because that’s how the universe works; “it continuously expands”.
So when I need advice I usually go to my friends, I don’t go to “universal masters” because most times I don’t even know the names of those masters! Basically I always look for someone in my circle that has a different perspective than me.
At what point are these “extraterrestrial” beings going to make themselves more noticeable to humans so we can live in communion or unity with them?
I’d say maybe about 2,000 year from now. There is still so much we have to learn about them because we still think of them as “Aliens” and that’s a problem. Just the word indicates that you are not from here and that you don’t belong. Humans don’t even understand that you are all the same and the problem starts there. Humans are still dealing with issues about territory, race, religion or culture. Imagine accepting a being from another planet. Sometimes we cannot even get along with our own family; imagine that!
Extraterrestrial beings have been observing us for a long time, they are already here but they cannot help us. They can only advise us but they will not free us and the problem is that many people in this “New Age” believe in Aliens like Christians believe in Jesus. These beings are not saviors, they are family and they also have their process just like we do. Most of them look at us as “seeds” not even as “humans”. To them Earth is like a greenhouse; they take care of us like baby plants that are trying to become something. Just like plants that cannot understand agriculture, humans cannot understand the universe as extraterrestrials do.
Is it overwhelming to know so much information, does it affect your life in any way?
I don’t deprive myself from doing things and having fun but if I have a mission to do and I don’t do it everything goes “wrong”. So yes it is frustrating, as a human I’m not supposed to understand all perspectives of the sphere. I’ve been working on my mission for 12,000 years; this time is nothing for the soul but to the body it is way too much time! When I see the news and how we behave as humanity I think “12,000 years and everything is the same?” so I question “when are we going to learn”? Many masters have walked the Earth giving humanity different tools in many ways to see if they work and we always end up in the same place, so that’s very frustrating.
Also when I look at myself in the mirror sometimes I say “How can I still be messing up!”. Because If I’ve been doing this for 12,000 years, that means I’m doing the same too!
Have you had any challenges during your process and did you ever feel like giving up?
Yes I constantly think about it and say to myself “screw this, I’m doing something else!” but after 5 minutes I go back to my senses. Although I am very involved in the spiritual world I don’t consider myself a spiritual person, I don’t meditate, I don’t talk to guides or search for answers. I’m just open for whatever is meant to happen and flow with the cosmos.
When I was younger I got frustrated, upset, sad and I went through all kinds of emotions. I remember I would just write about how I was feeling and drew maps. Every time I did this, it gave me a higher perspective of the situation I was experiencing. With time this process became shorter. In the beginning it would take months; then weeks and then hours, now it only takes me minutes to come back to my center. My process has been very intense, I suffered a lot and lost the sight of my path many times but I always pushed myself to get back on track again and again.
When I feel out of balance I just take a walk without any expectations and simply wait for the signs. The universe has a way to give me the answers really fast because I’m open to it. I always allow myself to feel the way I do and not go against it because the universe works with energy and all emotions are energy. Sometimes you just need that frustration because it recharges you. When you understand the process you no longer fall into frustration or depression but rather you use these emotions to push yourself back up.
Do you have any fears, what makes you tremble or uncomfortable?
There are mostly two things, one is the fear of being alone; “loneliness”. Don’t take me wrong, I love to be alone sometimes but when you are aware of how the universe works and you connect to the memory of the “void”, you realize that nothing exists and that you are alone. The perception of oneness as a human is beautiful because you feel connected to everything but the perception from the cosmos is “there’s nothing else but me”. And that scares me because that fear makes no sense and makes me question if what I do is worth it.
I fear that I’m doing all this work and I could be doing something else. I truly believe in what I do but sometimes I think “what if none of this is true, what if all this is an illusion?” and my mind says “it is an illusion, so go and have fun with it”. But then my soul says “I don’t want to have fun, I need to know that all this has a meaning”. And finally spirit says “okay then so give it a meaning”. So basically this is a fear my soul has, not my spirit; the soul is constantly concerned about it.
Can you define the difference between soul and spirit?
Spirit is the eternal existence and the essence of everything (vibration). The soul is the motion that moves through everything (energy). The body is the vessel where the soul and spirit reside (matter). They are all the same in different states just like water that can be solid, liquid and gas.
What do you think of the concept of a “StarSeed”?
I believe that each of us is a StarSeed. Some are really old souls and have come here before billions of years ago and they are very confined to this world and remember. They are the ones that have the ability to activate the gifts of others. And there are other types of StarSeeds that simply don’t remember because they are new here.
What are dreams?
A dream is a reality that one experiences in the 4th dimension. A dream is an impulse of your brain trying to understand an idea that is outside your limitations. All the energy and information outside you resides in this dimension and you can retrieve this data in the dream estate. When you sleep your brain is more receptive to receive information and this data is encoded as images that you have already stored in your brain. This is why dreams can be weird, because the information is trying to be interpreted by the limited tools in your brain.
Do you have any dreams or goals and what are you doing to achieve them?
My personal dream is to be able to apply everything I know at a governmental decision making level so I can help change people’s lives. Not so much as a politician because I think governments are a very old system that we no longer need.
At the moment I am trying to focus on working on myself and be as coherent as I can. I cannot represent or help others if I cannot help myself first.
What do you think you’re missing to become the best version of yourself?
I say to learn how to better handle emotions and to have my will power. I need to achieve more balance between my body, mind and emotions. Sometimes my mind wants to do something, my emotions something else but my body only wants to lay down on the sofa!
What is the most impactful message you have received for humanity?
Humans are the evolutionary and biological expression of Earth. We are the physical proof that the planet is thinking on her own. The reason why every culture, nation, philosophy or religion exists is not because humans created them, the Earth did through human thoughts. Humans are the just neurons of the planet’s brain experiencing creation. The planet is the one thinking and the one that achieved the evolutionary thought process and that’s why we are here.
We are the living cells of this consciousness, part of an entire organism and sometimes we forget. We are neurons creating thoughts, ideas and the organism we call “Earth” is thinking; we are only the living proof. This is why we need to be conscious of the planet because our thoughts are her thoughts.
So why are humans destroying this planet and the environment?
Because we don’t know the real consequences of the things we do. Just like when you drink a Coca-Cola or alcoholic beverage, or eat fast food and smoke. You know this is not good and even so still do it.
We believe that Earth is like a Goddess and knows everything but in the universe Earth is like a 3 year old baby trying to learn how to speak and she’s just playing. She’s in a process of evolution and just like we sometimes have bad or good thoughts; so does the Earth, because we are only a reflection of her. It is not humans hurting the planet; she is the one hurting herself because she created us, we are her thoughts.
This is why it is important that we change our thoughts, so we can change the way we experience life. I believe knowing biology is more important than being spiritual. Spirituality is very attached to religious beliefs and religion created “good” and “bad” and this concept says “avoid the bad” – “follow the good”. You are conditioned to believe that there is “punishment” for the bad and a “reward” for the good you do and that’s a lie.
Could you share a piece of advice on how one can become self realized?
The first understanding is to never copy what people do or compare our success with the success of others. Humans are like trees and have different fruits to offer. Imagine a lemon tree trying to be an apple tree and wanting to give the best apples or even worse; wanting to become an apple. And if every lemon tree wants to become an apple, then we will never have good lemon juice.
Each of us has a unique way to become who we are meant to become. Some people need to meditate, some people don’t. Some people become self aware through music, art or religion. The first thing is to get out of the box of limited beliefs that tell you that in order for you to become self realized you need to follow certain steps. Everything in your life will come naturally to you when you naturally do what you are meant to do; and what you are meant to do is what makes you happy. Because what makes you happy will reflect in other people’s happiness as well.
It is not about changing people’s lives but to do something that changes your own life and that is what self realization is. But if you don’t know how to start you can follow the first three steps regardless of your beliefs.
1st. (Body) This is the most difficult one and it’s about changing your diet. Food is the basis of Enlightenment, it’s not meditation. No matter how much you meditate, what matters is what you are. Enlightenment doesn’t happen somewhere above us; it is the movement of electrons in our body. So in order to change your vibration to a higher frequency, you need to change the vibration of the food you put in your body. So to become Light you need to eat light. Eat more veggies, fruits and seeds. They have been through the process of photosynthesis, all these products come directly from Light. This is a way to start to awaken the potential of light within yourself.
2nd (Soul) This is through breathing because when you do it consciously it balances all the energy of your body. The more oxygen you have, the more relaxed your brain will be and it will also be easier for the heart to perform in ease. Through breathing techniques all the systems within your body become stable and this is why the most important aspect of meditation is to breathe through the nose, never through the mouth. There are many breathing techniques you can practice and I suggest you find one you feel appropriate to your own process.
3rd (Spirit) Simply laugh a lot, more than you possibly can (not at other people) – laugh with your friends, of yourself, when you make “mistakes” and just any time you have an opportunity. Because when you are in a state of joy, you connect to a higher vibrational frequency of the Spirit.
Very simple things but sometimes also complicated will change your life.
“Don’t run away from lower emotions like anger or frustration but rather give them purpose; at that moment these energies start to align – because the same energy that creates hate is the same energy that creates love”
Watch interview
Spanish subtitles available
Matias on GAIA
Youtube: Matias De Estefano