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A Journey to the Heart

A Journey to the Heart

Sasha Dawn
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From Modeling to Shamanism

Most certainly, there’s and awakening happening in humanity, where we are all being asked to step more into our calling, and most authentic self. This is especially so, for Sasha Sydnor. “

By Sasha Dawn Sydnor

My name is Sasha Dawn, I got discovered and started modeling at a very young age. In hindsight, when I look back, apart of me knew even then, that modeling wasn’t my biggest calling, and what I was put on this earth to do, but because everyone around me told me I should, I pursued it anyways. “Deep down inside, I always had a curiosity for the mystical and a desire to explore and live a more spiritually connected life.” 

After college, I started to question everything I thought I knew, and decided to follow my heart, I took a break from modeling, and immerse myself in a healthy curiosity of one facet of awakened living to the next. Not knowing it then, but that choice would prove to be the decision that would change my life, and set into motion a journey of growth and learning, that would later provide the foundation for my company, – Think NewThoughts Media. 

“Uncertainty is part of the evolution PROCESS; part of walking the path to fully align with your most authentic self. When you choose to step forward, the path will always reveal itself.” – Sasha Dawn

You can’t wait until everything appears perfect, because the path of authenticity and living on purpose, is one that will always evolve and change. Just start. Lean in. Be curious, about everything. 

For the next 10 years, I did exactly that. I leaned in. From studying at an esoteric mystery school, learning and working closely with indigenous shamans from all over South America and Mexico, serving in ancient traditional medicine ceremonies such as Peyote, San Pedro, and Ayahuasca, to being initiated in the African Yoruban religion, assisting in leading women circles, womb blessing gatherings, and being a spiritual leader in my community. 

The very first time, I ever sat in a medicine ceremony and got the opportunity to pray, in a sacred way with my brothers and sisters, it was like a long lost piece of my heart was found and it felt so right to me. I thought to myself, if everyone had the opportunity, to experience this, it would heal so much of our suffering and disconnection from our Earth and one another. 

After spending time exploring and growing in this way, I still felt the pull from society, my parents, and friends, to give modeling another try. Also feeling like I didn’t want to regret maybe not giving it a full chance, I decided to step back into that world, and pursue the fashion industry one more time. 

Spending only a year in the industry, I very quickly came to the conclusion that obsessing over food and my body was taking me further away from my passion, and purpose, not closer. 

I realize now, how important, each step of my journey was. It all had to happen, exactly the way it did, in order for me to see clearly, what was most important to me, what I considered valuable, and what made me feel alive whole. It was then, that I started to put all the pieces together from the past 10 years of my life, and ask myself, how can I be of service and share everything I have learned. Thats when Think New Thoughts Media was born.

I decided to utilize all the tools I had gathered, from all the different worlds I had experienced, and bring them together vs picking and choosing between them. That’s the beauty of life. You can be and do so many different things. The possibilities are endless, so why limit yourself.

Now, having come full circle, I’m creating a media empire based on service and heart. I have shaken loose from society and self-imposed limitations, and surrendered to a purpose greater than I could have ever imagined. Bringing the mystical, sacred ritual, and spirituality to the mainstream in a powerful, creative and modern context way, I’m bridging the gap between media and entertainment and mysticism through consciousness expanding media.

I live my life exploring the road less traveled, here on a mission, to share the truth through various forms of media.

I believe mysticism, ancient sacred rituals, plant medicines, and shamanism, are on the rise because we are all waking up, remembering who we are, and reconnecting to our inherent truth. 

Thats why this is so important now, to discover something new, and create the life you want to live. Expand, connect, and grow, one thought at at time. Is my motto.

My story of having the courage to align with my calling and go from pursuing outer achievements, in the modeling world, to inner achievements, in matters of the spirit and soul, truly is one that will inspire others to be brave, and follow their own journey back to their heart and what matters most “Self-Love”

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