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Egg Donors by Choice

Egg Donors by Choice

Egg Donors

Our choice to be egg donors and help other women have children 

 We are Egg Donors by Choice. As identical twins we are very close, the bond between us is unbreakable and unique. We were lucky enough to be dealt a life with a built in best friend. We are extremely identical not only in appearance but also in the way we live our lives and treat others – character is important, the beauty inside of people is important. Trust us when we tell you “kindness shared will always give you euphoria”. When one of us decides to do something, the other twin 90% of the time follows. 

In our town we help as much as we can. My sister and I donate blood, help out at events, and make sure every interaction with others is upbeat and positive. The journey as egg donors has been rewarding on more levels than one. It is no doubt a time consuming and rigorous process that includes a hectic schedule, hormones, and side effects. Your body will be put through a roller coaster, but in the end your outlook will change, your demeanor will change, and even though having kids felt like a huge accomplishment to us, helping others find that same happiness is definitely on the same level. 

 “Our decision was not taken lightly. We did our research and talked with many donors and parents that have successfully completed egg donation. I recommend everyone do the same. It is definitely a process, but I promise you it is so emotionally rewarding you will want to do it again.” Ashlee

“What if your only dream in life was to have a family of your own? What would you do if in spite of all your efforts you could not fulfill this? That’s how we (egg donors) help. Our mission is to help you achieve that dream.” Jennifer

Ashlee & Jennifer – Identical Twins

What inspired you both to be an egg donor? 

The idea started as an add we came across. There are ads for this everywhere online. Luckily for us we were able to reach out to parents in our area that had successfully had children through egg donation to decide if this is something we wanted to pursue. After much discussion back and forth which each other and with our family we decided this is something we wanted to go ahead with. My sister and I and so many other women out there have the chance to make a difference!

What were the requirements you had to go through to become a donor?

Being healthy is extremely important, qualify candidates will be asked a series of questions about personal and family health. Whichever agency you decide to go with will have a different sets of questions to answer however, all of them will ask very detailed questions about both sides of your family. Unfortunately to make the healthiest donation you can not have any prior disorders or abnormalities as well as being at a healthy BMI. A blood test is required to qualify to make sure you are not pregnant and/or doing any illegal substances. There is also a genetic test you will need to have done to see if you are a carrier for any genetic abnormalities. It is very important that both donor and egg are the healthiest they can be so answering everything honestly insures not only the success of the retrieval but also for safety. Between the ages of 20-29 is preferred depending on the clinic.

Are there risks involved with donation? 

The occasional discomfort of blood draws wasn’t to bad and the fertility drugs you will be taking leave you a little bloated and uncomfortable. I was not moody on them but my sister was. Neither of us had any weight gain but it is possible, after you stop treatment you should be back to normal. The agency has you monitored the entire time so if you feel like reaching out to them for any questions you have support 24/7. After the retrieval the only other risk is Torsion. This is twisting of an enlarged ovary which will give you severe abdominal pain. It is important for me to mention that you are medical insured through the process as well as 90 after (depending again in the agency).

Can you share with us what is the process like?

Egg donation is not instant, once you apply the process can take several months or longer to complete. The longest wait is being chosen by an intended parent, it can take days, months, and even up to a year. This does not mean you are not a worthy candidate. Each family is looking for specific traits to match his/hers. 

After you have been selected there are several steps to be taken before the actual retrieval. Once you have gone through all the medical exams etc, you will figure out with a coordinator about traveling and all of the legal paperwork – signing your rights to the eggs away and giving the rights to the intended parents.

After this you will need to start birth control, abstain from sexual activity, and give yourself a series of shots. When we started the shots were the most nerve-racking but it was so easy and not painful at all. One quick poke to the stomach and your done. The last shot (the trigger shot) is very important and needs to be done at a specific time. All of the shots need to be done at a specific time but the trigger shot is the most important as it preps your body to release the eggs. 

There is a team that shows you and explains everything to you before you even start the process. My sister and I definitely felt confident and comfortable before starting. The retrieval takes about 30 minutes and your a bit sore for the rest of that day and the next, it reminded me of bad cramps. Also you will need to bring someone with you for your retrieval as you will not be able to drive.

Can you remain anonymous?

If you choose to you can but you do not have to. It is also up to the intended parents and what their wishes are. Some do not tell the children and others are extremely open about everything. 

If you decide to choose the path as we have to help other women/men in their goal for a family, please do your research and know this should be something you have looked into and are ready for. It is important if you start, you follow through and complete the retrieval. To have an independent parent go through everything possible to get to this point only to have a donor back out last minute would be devastating. Please be kind, please be respectful, and know this is the greatest gift you can give anyone.

Ashlee IG: @ajbeautyincolor

Jennifer IG: @ jenniferhauch

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