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The ART of Hair Coloring by Francine

The ART of Hair Coloring by Francine

Hair by Francine

Be the energy you want to attract. In my personal life and as a professional I am constantly looking for improvement. I think that in order for us to have better things, better quality of life we need to better ourselves. In my career things are always changing and evolving. Different looks, different fashion trends. What was in style one year maybe be outdated the next. Looking for growth constantly to me is a necessity.

Why is hair coloring and ART and what does it take to be a master colorist?

Just like creating an art piece the colorist needs to use his technical knowledge such as placement of color, formulations that will achieve the desired results. Having a good eye to create different tones in the hair according to the individual’s frame. It takes a lot of good training and hands on experience to be a master colorist. Just like most things in life the more you do it the more you are able to perfect it. And of course you must love Coloring hair.  I am a firm believer that when you do something that you love it always comes out better.

Are there any benefits for women to color their hair? 

Absolutely! As a hair colorist/stylist the benefit I see the most is feeling beautiful. Every woman wants to feel beautiful. Very often I have clients that come to the salon in need of a change. They are not happy with their hair. Sometimes the color just doesn’t accent their skin tone or their features. Or it makes them look older. Changing that and giving them a new fresh look to me is very satisfying and I can see the new smile on their face once we are done coloring and styling! 

Is hair coloring and styling for everyone?

Yes absolutely, everyone that has hair of course. Sometimes I get very young children that want to add a streak of blue or pink for fun. Older women that want to cover grays. Men also color their hair. I do a lot of gray blending on men that want to cover some gray with a more natural look. Styling specially, women come to see me before a nice evening out to get a good blow dry or soft curls.

Are there any disadvantages to be exposed to hair color?

For pregnant women some doctors will recommend not applying a base color. Highlights are usually still permitted since it doesn’t touch the scalp. Another disadvantage would be hair damage/breakage. That is why it is so important to see a good colorist that uses high quality products. The application and the product used makes a huge difference.

At what point should women color their hair? 

Any point really. But the usual is after adulthood when women enjoy more their personal freedom and start building their own identity. 

Why you, what do you do differently than other salons in Miami? 

After I got my hair license I moved to South Beach and I knew I only wanted to work with the best so I trained at a New York based salon Cutler to be a colorist. 

My training and experience also includes salons such as Femme Coiffure, Safar Coiffure and Browns in Lincoln rd. What I do differently as a colorist/ stylist is really listening to my clients, building a relationship with them so I know what they really want and I can plan the best way to achieve their hair transformation. I use my knowledge and also explain to them what needs to be done, what can be done or what I would not recommend doing. A lot of my clients bring pictures of celebrities to show how they want their hair to look like and it is my job to also advise them if the look will work with what they have.

One of the most important things for men and women is to feel confident. When we feel confident we bring about a different energy. People are attracted to us instantly and that changes the way we perform in business and in our personal lives. What brings me the most satisfaction about my work is that I can make people feel more confident about themselves.


1220 20th street

Miami Beach- Anatomy

IG: franstylist

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