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Ixixtlán – Magical Sanctuary of Peace & Eco-friendly Center.

Ixixtlán – Magical Sanctuary of Peace & Eco-friendly Center.

Beleni Kumara

“This magical space is based on three fundamental pillars which are ecology as the preservation of the existence of this planet”.

Ixixtlán is a close representation of the creator Beleni Kumara, a Mexican born dancer who used her understanding and observations of nature and through her art was able to generate her very own unique concept. Her ideas lead her to build eco friendly cabins with a special twist, integrating sacred geometry as well as numerology in its construction. Each one holds a special energy of its own, each one created with a specific purpose.

Art as the language of the spirit through dance and movement, music and the creation of our workshops which bring experiences that connect us with nature and other people. And the third pillar being the internal work. I think through our internal work we bring the possibility of unifying people and ourselves with our experiences in a way where we commit ourselves to see each other and understand what our virtues are but also what we have learned, the things that have hurt us, the attitudes and behaviors that are self-destructive and that also hurt others – “Said Beleni”.

Ixixtlán- An Eco-friendly Spiritual Center in Atlixco, Puebla, México.

So in the conjunction of these three great pillars we create the community experience. We create the daily experience of sowing, harvesting, cooking, doing our internal practices and our artistic practices to touch all areas in which we would like to explore ourselves more in depth.”

Beleni explains plenty of the construction of this space was led by her art and passion for dance. For her, dancing professionally and singing have been the spiritual nectar and the spiritual answers to her questions that also brought to life the inspiration for Ixixtlán. She decided to dedicate herself to dance because as a little girl she recalls viewing everything as art and further explained “I was in the car and would observe the trees or the sun or even the sea when I was at the beach and in a very intuitive way I understood that nothing was static. Then I allowed my body to express itself through dance and from a very young age I learned ballet and then contemporary dance, pursuing it professionally as an adult.” Later, she also brought the concept to the grounds of Ixixtlán where she holds many events with the aim to bring flexibility, movement, ease and joy through what is called sacred circles of dance that are done in group settings to connect and interact with one another and to release are worries and stress through the process and with the goal to raise our vibrations. 

This space being ecological, offers visitors a different way of living and outlook and the connection that can be made with the abundance of nature that surrounds this gorgeous village is close to indescribable. Also offering organic delicious vegetarian plates as part of the experience! Beleni’s philosophy is 

“if you don’t give life to animals, you shouldn’t take it away.” And that is exactly what Ixixtlán is trying to show us. A balanced and harmonious way of being with ourselves, among us as humans and in connection with nature and all its forms. 

Another two great additions to experience here are the Temazcal and the labyrinth. The Temazcal is an ancestral bath, a tradition in Mexico, but it is also a practice that is repeated in diverse cultures with important variants but in essence it is a very deep mental and emotional physical detoxification. Similar to a sauna with the difference that the vapor inside comes from very hot volcanic rocks and the construction of the place can be described  as an Eglu house. 


In Ixitlán Beleni honors the traditions and focuses on a reconnection ceremony including the elements of mother earth. She offers Aloe Vera for the body and a warm tea to go with that while inside of the Temazcal which is her own unique touch. The experience can be mainly described as “entering the womb of the earth, the mother” and tapping into that deeper intimate bond we have with it and we have lost or forgotten. Carrying it in a more holistic way but with respect to traditions and passion for life and its manifestations. 

The Labyrinth SanArte is a practice that is held daily in Ixixtlán as a community experience and internal work. The labyrinths are energetic epicenters that lead us to our center and from there goes out into the world, from the memory that we are spiritual beings making an experience in the matter. We managed to unify our hemispheres and reconnect with the 360 degree vision of our existence and nature without losing sight of the closest and most vital thing about ourselves… our breathing. As you go around the labyrinth you get to tap into recognizing all that needs to be transformed, transmuted and worked on and brings about a deeper level of higher consciousness and awareness to our life. 

Beleni Kumara “is” Ixitlán. It was created by a very deep longing in her heart to make congruence in the experience of how she lives. Her philosophy of life that led her to break many structures and to free herself from forms and things that she felt was hurting nature in a very strong way. Beleni in her words also took us into her world by saying “I remember that when I was little I dreamed of a tree that had many different fruits, now I know that they come from different trees. I saw them as ONE and I always dreamed of living in a small round house and little by little my dream was leading me to the creation of one of the places where I feel it is one of the most sacred places in the world for me because I have built it with my own hands, with the help of people who have connected with this space trying to imitate nature. 

We have the volcanoes in front that are a reference of the love of nature and the complement of the sacred feminine and the sacred masculine. It’s a magical place that brought with it lots of challenges but also great lessons. I thought that all of my close friends would support me and would come join the experience and to my surprise it wasn’t that way, so I hope people from all religions, countries and cultures come because our doors are open to everyone.”   

This is Ixitlán, a space of connection to all that is. For Beleni it’s been 13 years, building, creating, supporting so that you can arrive and so that you can enjoy the experience of a magical and beautiful place that will give you a great gift. You come to bless this place with your feet, with your presence you come to help give the means so that this can continue to exist but you also come to receive love, passion and joy. Ixixtlán is waiting for you with pleasure and is there to serve you and remind you that we are one in the real experience of existence. Blessings. 

View from Ixixtlán of the Popocatepetl & Iztaccihuatl

IG: @ecoaldeaixixtlan

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