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Juliana Faus – On Purpose Talent

Juliana Faus – On Purpose Talent

  • Throughout my entire career, it’s been continuously proven that shifting our vibration and energy will naturally inspire those around us.
Juliana Faus


Throughout my entire career, it’s been continuously proven that shifting our vibration and energy will naturally inspire those around us — organically creating an even better environment to ensure success and sustainable results.

Empowering Visionary Leaders to Sustainable Greatness

When did you consciously become aware of your higher purpose in life?

Considering I am a fully recovered workaholic and perfectionist; having worked for a very large accounting firm that only hires top talent, maturing as a professional I realized that impacting people’s lives has a lot of responsibility.  I wanted to be the very best – probably contemplating world dominance.

However, that came with a very big price tag as I was driven by the results I was seeing from those I was mentoring and coaching. I sacrificed pretty much everything until I didn’t recognize myself at the core.  I realized that this version of myself was going against my value of authenticity. So I had to take a break and realign to truly walk the walk and talk the talk.

What was the biggest challenge to overcome before you decided to become a coach?

My life growing up had many challenges which today have shaped my mission in my career. One of the biggest ones was moving from Brazil where I was born and raised to Caracas during a wonderful time for Venezuela. As a family we moved there and did not speak Spanish – 4 years later we moved to the United States and we didn’t speak English! This agility to quickly adapt, relate, and communicate have been the cornerstone of my moral fiber. Communication and Inclusion are my passion in all areas of my life as those obstacles growing up tumbled many along the way.

What inspired you to be a coach?

Throughout my career I’ve had excellent coaches who I’m forever thankful; as I’ve also had – not such great ones. My inspiration to be the very best coach came from the obsession of seeing great results and continued top performance, particularly observing the changes that were happening to me.

I really wanted to share the “Energy Coaching” process with people who are onto to bigger and great things. And of course with others that would love to be “the very best version of themselves”.

Juliana, you developed a signature program for your firm On Purpose  Talent called “The ALBA factor”. Could you tell us more about it?

Yes! ALBA factor is like one of my babies. I’ve combined all my education and professional experience along with the Energy Coaching process to create this program that stands for: “Align – Lead – Build – Achieve”. ALBA  takes you on a journey of maximizing your potential creating sustainable results. Having a full understanding of your limiting beliefs while creating new and empowering ones, to ultimately lead yourself and others. Alba in Spanish means “dawn”, also awakening and I just love how it all comes together. I get to sit in the front row of people’s journeys and witness their daily progress. It is truly amazing! This program is relevant for professionals, teams, organizations, and entrepreneurs. I’m really proud of this product.

Did you ever feel a disadvantage for being a woman in your industry?

I never felt a disadvantage in the Human Resource industry per se; however, with my Finance background, I earned a true “seat at the table”. Also being a business partner and having a well-rounded understanding of the business and its people. This mix caused  friction with some Leaders as I trust many professions also experience. What they didn’t know is that they were messing with the wrong girl because I embrace my femininity and focus on the solution; which in turn, speaks for itself. I empower women and men to be their very best selves despite the environment, background and geography. And more importantly, I encourage all to be inclusive in and out of the office to become better citizens for our communities, because the world is asking for it and we are armed to do the right thing.

Living in the digital age, I’ve created online content for the ease of accessibility and the global impact it can have. Having said that, I still believe in the power of being a Resource for People and increasing our Emotional Intelligence by connecting and communicating one-on-one. Would you agree?

For more information on my coaching programs and HR Consulting:

Instagram: @juliana_faus

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