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What Does It Mean To Awaken?

What Does It Mean To Awaken?

Humanity is on a quest to define one of the most asked questions. As a collective, we are determined to discover answers in our lifetime while clearing the way for the generations who follow us.

I first heard about the practice of meditation around the age of 14. A friend told me he sat in his room with his eyes closed and instantly began to experience a profound sense of peace, bright colors, etc. I gave it a try that night, but absolutely nothing happened. No sensations, no lights, nothing — just the darkness of the back of my eyelids!

Towards the end of high school, I began searching & reading the works of highly regarded New Age leaders as well as texts from Buddhism and anything yoga related. A few years later, I crossed paths with a wise teacher & master healer, Christelle Chopard.

Fascinated by her expertise in holistic consulting, yoga therapy, shamanism and other therapeutic methodologies, I began my formal training with her at age 22 to facilitate the DHARMI® Method — a simple, organic way to manage stress and align a positive intention into your life.

Though, if I can be honest — I don’t feel my awakening ever “began”, per se. Since I can remember, I always knew there was more to life and each day reveals new “awakenings”.

[blockquote author=”” pull=”normal”] Within you lies a seed. With proper nurturing and constant maintenance, it is bound to bear fruits to nourish you and those around you. Like all trees that give generously, you will always be provided for and your inner garden will always be satisfied.


Do you believe everyone has the same ability to make meaningful changes in their lives?

Absolutely! I have met “non-spiritual” people with as much wisdom as the high spiritual masters I’ve met.

My current perspective is that being “spiritual” has nothing to do with how often you meditate, practice yoga or even the clothes you wear. To me, it has everything to do with wanting to cultivate the positive virtues within you such as honesty, integrity, kindness, etc.

A dear friend of mine once shared with me a quote that I reflect on daily, “Querer es poder”. This Spanish phrase roughly translates to “wanting is power”. There is power in wanting to change. When your “querer”, or “wanting”, is so strong, you will succeed in polishing the valuable gem that you are.

How do you see our collective population changing?

The Information Age is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it’s easy to use our smart devices unproductively — I’m occasionally guilty! Yet, the same technology can be used to create positive impacts around the globe.

I am noticing that we the people are uniting to hold our leaders and governing bodies accountable when their actions are not in alignment with good of all. Deep secrets that were once heavily guarded are being exposed and coming to light.

As a collective, we are waking up to the reality of what has been going on for ages and we have chosen to co-create a positive shift in our trajectory in which integrity is highly valued. The ancient prophecies have spoken about this time — and it has finally arrived.

What are some simple lifestyle changes that people can make to cultivate their spirituality?

As the spirituality & wellness movement continues to thrive in the limelight of the mainstream, it can be overwhelming to sift through thousands of fads and trends in search for practicality.

Much like dating, give yourself full permission to try new foods, hobbies and spiritual practices to discover what resonates with you in each season of your life. Just like any healthy relationship, spirituality requires creativity, curiosity and playfulness to continue growing harmoniously.

One of the greatest lifestyle changes you can make is to notice how certain people, places and situations either uplift or drain you (and vice versa). In time, your spiritual “instinct” will sharpen and naturally inspire positive shifts into your way of being.

What final message do you have for our reader?

My upbringing in affluent areas of Miami Beach has introduced me to many high net worth individuals. My journeys have also brought me to remote indigenous lands in the jungles of South America where my smartphone is as useful as a paperweight.

Regardless of socioeconomic status, material resources and traditional expectations of “success”, I observe that those who are the most fulfilled are the ones who are focused on dedicating every waking moment towards contributing positively to our earth, including our brothers and sisters that share this planet with us.

Most importantly, you don’t need to be a yoga instructor, life coach or guru to make a difference. A simple gesture of kindness like a warm smile or encouraging words are enough to weave goodness into the web that somehow interconnects us all.


Giuliano Geronymo is a Holistic Stress Management Specialist organically-grown in Miami Beach. Currently based in Maui, Giuliano continues to guide others to successfully relieve stress, sharpen focus and increase productivity.

Email Giuliano to evaluate how he can support you to awaken:

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