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What Type of Goddess are you – Based on your Zodiac Sign

What Type of Goddess are you – Based on your Zodiac Sign

Type of Goddess

Every woman is a Goddess by nature – Mythology has always been paired with astrology and the constellations, both carrying deep meaning and symbolism. Each Goddess is a symbol with a story and each planet a theme, an energy for each month. We have paired the zodiac signs and their personality traits, the energies of its ruling planets and the attributes of each Goddess making this a very mystical match made in the heavens. Enjoy the article divine feminine celestial beauties.

By Jessica Lucca

Aries- Goddess Aphrodite 

Month of April – Element Fire 

Aries and its ruling planet of war Mars, becomes the first sign in Astrology and with it comes the attributes of Goddess Aphrodite. She is known for her passion, warrior spirit and pleasure. Such as Aphrodite, you carry within great passion to create and initiate projects. As a fire sign you can take action easily to work on ideas. You are a leader, free spirited and bringing always new perspectives. Your task is to stay motivated to continue to follow through with your plans being able to resume all that you start. You like to defend and stand up for different causes and at times explosive. Also known for loving beauty. 

Best description: The Spirit of action

Taurus- Goddess Maia 

Month of May- Element Earth 

Taurus ruled by the planet Venus is known for beauty and love which brings forward with it the energy of Goddess Maia. She is known to be linked with the Pleiades constellations and was the goddess of the night sky. This energy makes you a woman of warmth. As Maia translates to “nurturing mother” you carry very motherly attributes making people feel cozy in your presence. As an Earth sign, you are grounded in nature and tend to call a lot of growth in your life. And though motherly, you incline to solitary activities and do great work while being alone. 

Best description: The Spirit of growth

Gemini- Goddess Juno 

Month June – Element Air

Gemini is ruled by the planet of communication Mercury and in steps the Goddess Juno. She is known as the goddess of marriage and childbirth. Giving you a very Queen like vibe, you carry her attributes of intellect and can hold great conversations. And as an air sign you are a quick learner and are curious in nature. A restless spirit always looking to socialize. Like Goddess Juno, you are known to be a great protector and adviser. A comforter for other women, counselor and known as a good wife and mother.

Best description: Spirit of truth

Cancer- Goddess Artemis 

Month July – Element Water 

Cancer and the Moon as its lovely ruler brings over the tides of Goddess Artemis. Known for her wilderness it is safe to say that you hold this wild side deep inside of you. Just as Artemis, you have purity and healing abilities. You have nurturing feminine qualities similar to Mother Earth Gaia and do you do well tuning in with other’s emotions. You have good intuition and you help bring healing and affection to those around you. Emotional ups and downs is part of your experience such as the ocean’s tides. As a water sign your love runs deep and you hold the key to unconditional love. 

Best description: The Spirit of purity

Leo- Goddess Sekhmet 

Month August – Element Fire 

Leo is ruled by the strong fiery Sun and the Goddess Sekhmet. She is called lady of flame and shows you to be fiery in character as your element is fire. Indeed you hold a powerful energy just as Goddess Sekhmet who can be destructive or protective. Strength and kindness are your biggest attributes. Anger can become your ally when transmuted and applied only for the well-being and for justice. A lioness that is joyful around music and movement you can light up your mood in this way. You like to manage your own time and projects and do better in leadership roles. 

Best description: The Spirit of strength

Virgo- Goddess Demeter 

Month September – Element Earth 

Virgo is ruled by Chiron who is known as the wounded healer. In the mix comes Goddess Demeter, Goddess of harvest and fertility. You hold great vitality. Hardworking and creative, You are serious in nature and you like order. Great memory capacity, you remember everything. Inspired by creativity you enjoy the arts. As an element of earth you search for the reason for it all and you are a heavy thinker. You learn later in life how to convert poison into serum, wounds into healing capacities. 

Best description: The Spirit of order

Libra- Goddess Themis 

Month October – Element Air 

Libra is ruled by the planet of love Venus and the Goddess representing you is Themis who is mainly known as Lady Counsel. You hold her energy of justice and fairness. You like to seek balance in all that you do and you are a great listener. You are a goddess that tends to express herself in a diplomatic manner and you bring harmony to your environment. Sentimental and romantic you like attention to detail. 

Best description: The Spirit of Harmony

Scorpio- Goddess Kali 

Month November – Element Water 

Scorpio has powerful Pluto as it’s planetary ruler and with it Goddesses Kali of transformation, death and sexuality. You hold the power to transform all destructive situations into new beginnings with ease. You like the occult and mysteries topics. Your element of water creates psychic abilities. And as Kali you hold a power to hurt or to love intensely being destructive or benevolent you can move through these two aspects. You can teach about death and rebirth processes to others and you have the capacity to be a great mother figure. 

Best description: The Spirit of Transformation

Sagittarius- Goddess Athena 

Month December – Element Fire

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter planet of luck and expansion and flows attractive Goddess Athena with her magnetizing signature. Athena is known for being the goddess of wisdom, courage and inspiration. Seeker of the truth, with your arrow you like traveling to other cultures and places, exploring different beliefs. Athena’s energy makes you a person known for peace, handicrafts, the arts. You are multitalented with plenty of creativity. Power and authority is something you possess with the amazing ability to execute your plans. Also an enhanced intuitive faculty, foresighted. From the element of fire you are a passionate lover with passion for all that you do. You give inspiration and courage through your words spoken and written. Optimistic by fault and you push through boundaries. You enjoy nature, outdoor activities. Affinity for animals and freedom. 

Best description: The Spirit of wisdom

Capricorn- Goddess Persephone 

Month January – Element Earth 

Capricorn is ruled by the strong teacher Saturn, a planet full of lessons and time order bringing forward Goddess Persephone queen of the underworld. This brings you capacity for great resistance, tolerance to pain and just like Persephone who would come out from the underworld yearly to visit her family all things flourished on Earth with her return and you can also transform your negative experiences into opportunities. You are ambitious and practical which holds the Earth element. More traditional environments are of your preference and you hold a lot of patience. The energy of persistence is a big part of you. You like commitment and rather stick with familiar territory. At times you can come across as cold you rather not deal with emotional situations. Once you have an idea there’s no stopping you. 

Best description- The Spirit of determination

Aquarius- Goddess Hebe

Month February – Element Air 

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus planet of awakenings and with it winds that lure in Goddess Hebe. She is known as the goddesses of mercy and youth. You have her energy of compassion and usually want to associate with things that are emerging such as technology. Along with this goddess you become mature at an early stage in life. Hebe was the cup-bearer holder, serving nectar to the gods and that is a trait you hold  to be of service as well as anything involving humanitarian work. Attending a celebration is of your liking. A thinker because of your element Air yet one whose thoughts are odd, unique and differ from traditional common ideas. Easygoing is another attribute making you adaptable. You like to give back to the planet. With a heart for independence you seek outlets where you can manage to be independent. 

Best description- The Spirit of freedom

Pisces- Goddess Isis 

Month March – Element Water

Pisces is ruled by the planet of dreams and imagination Neptune and in flows Goddess Isis with her main essence being love. Your energy is of openness as well as cheerful. You are also calm and generous. As Isis was known for her powers you too hold some hidden clairvoyance. You are friendly yet moody as your element is water, holding your emotions in balance is a task. This also brings you to be sensitive and you possess great empathy. Dreamy and full of imagination you love to escape into your own imaginary world. This makes you a great artist too. You enjoy being alone and appreciate isolation. The Isis within makes you have a good sense of humor which attracts others. You are often sought to lighten problems bringing a good laugh under stressful situations. 

Best description: The Spirit of generosity



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