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Maurems Gomez – Your Life Coach in Times of Crisis.

Maurems Gomez – Your Life Coach in Times of Crisis.


My smile is my Power
I am Maurens Gomez. Mother of two loving daughters and engines of my life.

I graduated and worked in the Administration area specializing in Human Resources. I have always had a predisposition for service to others. The constant curiosity to understand the connection between the human mind and the soul led me to understand that I should go further. I am certified as a Hypnotherapist with a Master in Clinical Hypnosis, Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and a Life Coach. My studies have given me many more resources and tools to help others in many ways.

A Healthy Life and Healthy Mind are born from the compilation of different experiences and lessons accumulated in my own life. Starting from a transformation of my own programming or beliefs of my childhood, it has been possible for me to see how I can help others to make similar transformations.

These are the specialties that I use to treat my clients:


Clinical hypnosis is what allows the client to experience a feeling of deep relaxation, while their attention is focused on their emotions and internal sensations. It is characterized by inducing the client to a condition called trance (Theta State), and the appropriate suggestions that I make as I induce the process, which will help him/her make positive changes.

  • It makes it possible to change limiting beliefs for empowering beliefs thanks to positive suggestions.
  • Depresion 
  • It helps fight insomnia.
  • It allows the patient to reduce and control anxiety, stress and phobias.
  • It helps overcome emotional trauma such as sexual abuse.
  • It positively influences the improvement of self-esteem, self-confidence and motivation.
  • It promotes self-awareness and improves the relationship with ourselves. 
  • It helps resolve internal conflicts, eliminating repetitive patterns installed in the unconscious
  • Improve concentration and focus.
  • Hypnosis is one of the safest, fastest and most effective forms of treatment for most psychological and emotional problems.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP states that happiness and success are the result of specific thought patterns that are available to anyone. NLP has developed models to understand and replicate those mental patterns that lead to satisfactory results based on examples of successful people. In short, NLP is like a software for the brain, allowing people to free themselves from phobias, traumas and internal conflicts.

It is also a set of tools to achieve objectives and improve the quality of life. It gives us the possibility of knowing our internal processes and their filters, and acting on them to modify them.

Life Coaching

The term coaching refers to an interactive process that allows a coach to assist his “coachee” (the client who receives coaching) to get the best of himself or herself. The coach, therefore, helps the person to reach a certain goal through the use of their own skills and resources in the most effective way.

A life coach helps you to direct yourself and reach your professional and / or personal goals. The goal is to maximize your potential. A life coach helps you change the current ways of doing things and manage situations that may arise in your path. All this focusing on different areas such as relationships, profession, sports and conflict resolution.

Spiritual Coaching

A Spiritual Coach helps you live more consciously, to find yourself to live from fullness and to manage your emotions, feelings, needs and desires.

My coaching is about that. That you allow yourself to live without fear, to live life in consciousness. The message is to launch everything you crave, everything you love and are passionate about. But above all throw yourself to live and discover you, because nobody else is going to do it for you.

IG: @vmsana

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